10.09.21. Klik Klak (Serviss edit)

10.09.21. Klik Klak (Serviss edit)

Klik Klak pēdējo reizi Servisā. Kā zināms, klubs diemžēl veras ciet. Klik Klak nesīs smeldzi, mīlestību un kvīrumu šajā tumšajā deju grīdā.

_dj set :
alise | esila
Lévi & Strauss

Ieejas biļetes: 8€
Ieeja pasākumā iespējama TIKAI ar derīgiem Covid-19 sertifikātiem, kas pierāda, ka Jūs esat vakcinējies vai pēdējā pusgada laikā izslimojis/-usi Covid-19. Lūgums neaizmirst arī personu apliecinošu dokumentu (pasi vai ID karti). Nopirkta biļete negarantē ieeju.
Even if you have bought ticket, entrance to the event is possible only with valid Covid-19 certificates, which prove that you have been vaccinated or have been ill with Covid-19 during the last six months. Do not forget your identity document (passport or ID card).
Pasākumā tiks fotografēts, foto var tikt izmantots publicitātes nolūkiem, sazinies ar mums, ja nevēlies sevi redzēt foto.
There will be a photographer at the event, photos can be used for the publicity.

Klik Klak is back for the last time in Serviss. As you all know, the club is sadly closing down. No time for sadness and regret, Klik Klak will bring love, sweat and queerness in this dark dancefloor. We are excited to have a dj set from Alise Stefanoviča - lead singer and femme fatale from the band Podruga. VZ will also join us with a dj set devoted to intense, fast and sweaty techno sounds.

_dj set :
alise | esila
Lévi & Strauss

Advance ticket: Sold out
Ticket at the door

Klik Klak = no homophobia, no sexism, no racism
